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Let me ask you something:

What would you say if someone told you that you could slow the hands of time AND manage your weight, simply by sitting and relaxing for just 30 minutes a day? Well,they say “if it seems too good to be true, it usually is”. But for the HOCATT™ it is true! And it’s not just good — it’s great!

So what is HOCATT™?

Hyperthermic Ozone & Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology: The HOCATT™ is a bio-chamber that delivers a combination of modalities perfectly sequenced to give a gentle, but incredibly powerful session, that boosts energy and detoxes your body down to cellular level. The main modality is Transdermal Ozone, which is generated from pure Oxygen — you can think of Ozone as a Super-Oxygen!

Ozone and Women’s Health

Research shows that the most common health issues faced by women can be overcome with Ozone — it can even be used for gynecological issues such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and vaginitis. Most women have at some stage in their life experienced some form of vaginitis (e.g. thrush), which can be 100% eliminated by Ozone Insufflation1. Vaginal Insufflation is recommended for any vaginal yeast/fungal, viral or bacterial infection — many such infections prevent conception and lower fertility, thus Ozone Therapy is helping many women achieve their dreams of becoming mothers. Ozone Therapy can even treat threatened abortion.

HOCATT™ and Women’s Health

The HOCATT™ was specially designed with women in mind: it has an extra ozone generator dedicated to performing OPTIONAL vaginal Ozone-Oxygen insufflations and breast cupping.

Inside the HOCATT™ chamber, first Carbonic Acid and then Ozone mix with the steam and cover the skin, hence it is a Transdermal application. The Ozone steam purifies the skin and removes toxins, enhancing the vitality of the skin. It is also fantastic for skin problems, such as eczema and psoriasis.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock a higher level of vitality and well-being. Indulge in the extraordinary benefits of a HOCATT ozone sauna session today! Book your appointment now and embark on a journey to optimal health.